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Step Drill for Spring Plunger Bolts

Step Drill for Spring Plunger Bolts

0.20 lbs
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For Quick Installation of Spring Plunger Latches.
The two step high speed steel drill bit has a 7/32 inch shank which "steps" down to an 1/8 inch. This handy drill allows you to drill both sizes of holes needed for the installation of plunger latches in a single operation.
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Screen Frame 3/8"x11/16" (.020 ga.) - Box 121
Crossbar Frame 3/8"x5/8" (.025 ga.) - Box 120
Howe Cochran
Oct 26, 2019
the step drill made prep for installing the screen latches very fast and easy.
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Gregory Bauer
Nov 21, 2016
Great idea but it didn't work very well. I chucked the bit in my drill press. The first step was no problem. But the second step was very dull. It would not drill through the aluminum frame. I ended up using the step drill to mark the holes but used a regular drill to finish the holes.
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Jacqueline Straw
Jul 15, 2015
Drill worked great
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