Home > Window Screening Tools > Spline Roller Tools > Spline Roller Tool HD Nylon Combo

Spline Roller Tool HD Nylon Combo

Spline Roller Tool HD Nylon Combo

1.00 lbs
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The Heavy-Duty Nylon Combination Screen Spline Roller Tool has two nylon wheels which roll smoothly on steel ball bearings, and won't cut or tear the screen wire or spline. The contoured, hardwood handle allows for a comfortable grip, which helps alleviate fatigue. Replacement wheels are available when the originals are worn.
Screen Frame 5/16"x3/4" (.020 ga.) - Cut Sizes
Screen Frame 7/16"x11/16" (.020 ga.) - Cut Sizes
Screen Frame 7/16"x1" HD (.025 ga.) - Cut Sizes
Serrated Spline 100' Black
Screen Corners Solid External
Daniel Propson
Apr 10, 2018
Great tool! I use it every timeI need to rescreen and it has not broken yet.
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John Jay Darst
Jul 20, 2015
This is a much better spline roller than anything I have found in the big box stores.

Advantages: The larger wheel and bearing make this a much more stable spline tool

Disadvantages: price
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