Home > Window Screening Tools > Screening Jig Sets > Screen Jig Clips Aluminum

Screen Jig Clips Aluminum

Screen Jig Clips Aluminum

1.00 lbs
Our price:
Quantity Price
3+ Items $13.46


Frame Size
Package of Four Clips.
Should you need additional or replacement jig clips for your Screen Table Jig, they are available in a convienent four pack. The jig clips slip over the screen jig bars of the screen jig and hold the frame in place while you roll in your screen fabric and retainer spline.
Minimum 12 Needed to Hold Frame Square.
Screen Table Jig Set Aluminum
Classic Sliding Patio Screen Door - KIT
Prime Sliding Patio Screen Door - KIT
Clear Advantage Window Screen Rolls
Screen Corners Internal Aluminum
Joseph Klimek
Aug 3, 2019
I had to assemble 6 large screen and the jig clips saved the day and made the layout and hold down perfect to apply the screen and spline.

Advantages: Locating the jig clips in position to hold the screen frame was so easy.

Disadvantages: None
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