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Bail Loop Latch

Bail Loop Latch

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When you need your window screens to be locked into place, you need a latch that can keep it from being pushed out of the window. Maybe the kids pushed them out in the past or high winds in your area knocked them out of your windows. Plastic bail loop latches may be very inexpensive, but they're prone to failure. Our metal bail loop latches are designed to tightly hold the bottom of the screen in the window frame. Whether you're wanting to reinforce your window screens at home or need to restock your business supply of these latches, we have you covered. Offered in two installation styles, these latches will exceed your expectations.

The bail loop latch is a great component to have on hand to keep your screens in place when pushed against. They come in two styles—slip-on and spline channel—that are incredibly easy to install. The spline channel installs by inserting the ball head screw into the inner side of the sill. Then, the latch hook is placed over the screw. This option is only available in Silver. For the slip-on bail loop latch, the latch is pushed onto the bottom of the screen frame and the latch hook is slipped overtop the screw. This option is more suitable for an aluminum screen frame up to 7/16" thick. The slip-on bail loop latch comes in Silver, White, and Bronze. If you're simply installing these in your home, choose the quantity of 25. For professional screeners, the bags of 100 and 500 are excellent to have in your stores. Plus, they're affordably priced for bulk buying.

If you've had plastic bail loop latches in the past that failed to hold your screen frames in place or worn out over time, our metal latches are for you! For more detailed information about these latches, see the images for the specific dimensions located on this page. If you have other questions about the bail loop latch or our other latches, please feel free to contact us via email or phone at 972-438-9100 for more information. We're here to help!

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